China Plug-In Electric Vehicle Forum 2011 with the main theme of "Improving Infrastructure & Facilitating Industrialization", organized by Genesis Resourcing Consulting China, to be held on 10 & 11, March, 2011 at Pudong Ramada Plaza Shanghai, China.
Over the next ten years, the Chinese government will invest more than Yuan 100bn (US$15bn) in subsidising the country's industry and infrastructure for environmentally friendly and alternative fuel vehicles.
This two-day conference and exhibition will gather 200+ EV OEMS, Utilities, Charging Infrastructure Developers, EVs Charging Equipments, Technologies and Solutions Providers, Regulatory and Standards Bodies, Battery Technologies Providers, Components Manufacturers, Application Developers, Consulting and Investing Companies, Research Institutions and Associations to create win-win business models for China EV charging infrastructure economy.
Advisory board Chair Dr. CC. Chan in ZAP is one of the speaker in this event.

回复删除I believe there are a growing number of forum and shows which is a good approach to promote EV development. The company that want to have a good performance in this area, taking part in these events might be a good way.
回复删除i will pay attention to the devolpment of new sources.and i hope everybody do it.